Blog, Fitting, GC Quad, Jim Mitchell

Custom Fitting in Winter: What are the Benefits?

Jim Mitchell - Custom Fitting Specialist | Peter Field Golf Shop, Norwich

As the nights draw in and the weather starts getting a bit miserable it can sometimes be hard to be quite as enthusiastic to hit the course in comparison to those balmy July afternoons. However, it can present a valuable opportunity to rework your game in order to be ready for the new season. This gives us the chance to work on any technical aspects of our game that needs tweaking, but it also offers a great time to upgrade your equipment.

Now obviously the period following getting a new club is an adjustment and this is the first good reason to choose the winter months to upgrade in. It’s a great time to get used to your clubs outside of the thicker golfing schedule that spring and summer present, meaning that you can spend your time getting to know your new clubs in lower pressure rounds and at the range so you’re in full swing by the time you reach springtime. This time spent grinding in the feel of your new clubs affords you time to work on any swing changes that you’re implementing at the same time, with technique and equipment being intrinsically linked it will give you the chance to make sure golfer and clubs are in perfect harmony.

With fittings allowing you to dive into the numbers of your swing and seeing how that influences your ball flight something that also becomes so valuable with use of launch monitors is getting an understanding of what your ball is doing in the colder months. Differing weather conditions will produce different results when it comes to ball flight. Play at altitude or hot conditions, the ball will fly more, colder conditions at sea level on the other hand will slow down your ball speed reducing your distance. Getting fitted for a set of clubs will give you the information that you need in all conditions to understand if you are adversely affected by weather.

Not getting the ball speed you should be?
Newer clubs can give you the ball speed needed to combat colder weather.

Spinning to ball too much?
Different shafts may provide the answer to those stalling ball flights in the wind. The equipment helps protect against these effects but simply the process of seeing your numbers and having one of our expert fitters interpret them can give you the information about your game to counter any performance drop offs that might happen in the winter such as clubbing up or taking the spin of your shots.

To that end using systems such as GCQuad which are available at the range at Norwich Family Golf Centre allow you to work on the parameters such as spin and ball speed that will winter-proof your game.

The final point is a sadly realistic one, delivery times. While retailers like ourselves are working hard to have a good amount of stock levels, custom orders are slower than they have been in the past so the off-season is a great time to order to give yourself time to let the clubs come in and play with them in time for the new season.

If this has got you curious about how you could use the winter to your full advantage, then you can get information about fitting and our teaching facilities here, or phone the shop on 01603 740979.